Visiting St. John's Lafayette

The people of St. John's Episcopal Church's welcome all visitors and newcomers.  If you are new to the Greater Lafayette Community, let us know.  We would love the opportunity to tell you about the area and about St. John's in person.   

Click HERE to contact St. John's or to request more information about the church.

Click HERE to download our visitor's booklet.

St. John's is also glad to welcome students from Purdue University or the areas other colleges and schools.  If there is anything we can do for you during your time here, please contact Bradley Pace at 765.742.4079 or by EMAIL.  We also encourage you to connect with the the Purdue University Campus Ministry, the Chapel of the Good Shepherd, and their priest, the Rev. Dr. Hilary Cooke, at 765.743.1347 or by EMAIL.

The St. John's Church Building

St. John's Episcopal Church was first organized in 1837.  The current church building was built in 1858, but renovations have been made about every 50 years since.  As a result our building is historic, beautiful, and complex.  For visitors and newcomers, it can seem like a maze. For a map of the building, click HERE.  

St. John's Church is an accessible facility.  An elevator is located at the 6th Street entrance and walkway access is available through the Memorial Garden off of Ferry Street.  Anyone with mobility issues is encouraged NOT TO USE the bell tower entrance on the corner of 6th and Ferry.

St. John's Commons

On Sunday mornings, St. John's Commons is open to anyone needing a place for conversation or fellowship between Sunday services.  Our fellowship continues in the Commons after each service.  All are welcome.

Children in Worship & Nursery Care 

Children are welcome to attend and participate in all aspects of worship at St. John's.  For more information about Children in Worship at St. John's, click HERE.  In addition, activity bags for children are available and contain Bible story booklets and drawing materials.  These may help them during the service and can be found at the back of the church. Please return the activity bags after the service.   

Nursery Care is available from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the education wing.  Please ask an usher for directions.  


Restrooms are located in St. John’s Commons through the double doors at the front of the church and to the left.

Sit, stand, kneel?

Sitting, standing, and kneeling are usually matters of personal habit or piety.  You are welcome to participate in the service to the extent you are able or comfortable.  You are encouraged to follow the bulletin or those around you for direction.

Remember, however, that the liturgy-the structure of worship, prayer, singing, etc.-is literally "the work of the people" (from the Greek word λειτουργία). Together, we give voice to the community's prayer to and praise of God.  Participate as you feel called, but do participate.


In the Episcopal Church, the Eucharist (Holy Communion, the LORD's Supper, or the Mass) is one of the primary ways we connect to God and to one another. The bread and the wine become the body and blood of Christ and make Christ's redeeming work available to us.  

All Baptized Christians are welcome to receive Communion; however, no one who comes forward will be refused.  We use real bread and wine in a common cup.  If you would like a Gluten-free wafer, please ask one of the ministers when you come forward.  You may either stand or kneel to receive Communion.   If you cannot come forward to Communion, please alert an usher and it will be brought to you.

Healing Prayer

Healing prayer is available most Sundays in the Chapel of the Resurrection during Communion.  Please come forward to receive Communion and then proceed through the double-doors near the eagle lectern.  Access to the Chapel is through St. John's Commons.