The Rev. Dr. Bradley Pace

A parishioner once told me that he had my sermons figured out. “Your theme seems to be ‘I've got good news, bad news, and great news.  The good news is that the Kingdom of God has come near, the bad news is that it doesn't look anything like you expect, and the great news is that it doesn't look anything like you expected.'" I was surprised  he had gotten that so clearly from my sermons and happy to hear that my sermons are regularly on point.  Besides that it's a good theme.  So I’ve tried to become intentional about it.

As the rector of St. John's, I have the great pleasure of being the chief pastor of this wonderful church community.  I see myself first and foremost as this community's chief evangelist, helping those who come to St. John's (for worship, for pastoral care, for the food pantry) find ways to grow closer to God, live into the good news that God's Kingdom has come near, and live out the promises of Christian baptism.  While the members of the St. John's staff lovingly call me "the boss" (air quotes included), my ministry is always about fostering a collaborative place for that discernment by welcoming questions and walking humbly with God and each other.  I love St. John's, in part, because I get to do this in a community where humble discernment has long been encouraged and practiced.  

About Me

I became the rector of St. John's in 2013.  Before that, I served as the rector of St. John's Episcopal Church in Youngstown, Ohio and as the Associate Priest for Youth and Family Ministry at Trinity Episcopal Church in Wheaton, Illinois.  I attended Berea College in Kentucky and graduate school at the University of Arkansas where I studied philosophy.  I went on to study the history and philosophy of science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where I received a Ph.D. in 2006.  I attended seminary at Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois and was ordained to the diaconate and the priesthood in the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago in 2008.

My wife, Katie Elder, and I are the proud parents of three children: Isaiah, Miriam, and Judah.  I enjoy running and hiking, BBQ, craft beer, napping on the couch, and listening to audiobooks at double speed.

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